The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture



    Trump just got to me again.

    I found this quote on the KO's:

    The other thing with terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families."

    Collateral Damage is a wonderful term, do you not think.

    One might recall Dresden or Hiroshima or Nagasaki or London during WWII.

    We do not have to go back that far of course.

    There was Vietnam and Iraq and now we witness some sort of robotic bombing in the Mideast.

    I guess that Collateral Damage might include Friendly Fire?

    The idea is that 'we' must assault our enemies and sometimes we 'unintentionally' kill the innocents.

    But Donald is telling us that we must wipe out the families of the terrorists.

    Kind of like Genghis or Herod or the Pharaoh or....

    WHY NOT JUST NUKE THE ENTIRE MIDEAST (although we would need to aid the Israelis by sending them gas masks and proper clothing and....

    We lived through the likes of John C. Calhoun and Strom Thurmann and Jesse Helms and a host of other leaders in this country.

    We shall survive this, I am sure.

    At least guys like Herod and Pharaoh only went after the first born sons. 


    Trump has no soul.

    Cheney would not even say something like this?




    This country has always had some sympathy for the devil, of course; overtly or covertly.

    But we are in the situation right now, that the new Leader of the Free World would be asking us to kill the families of felons?

    I dunno.

    This just got to me today.




    Not to worry. Trump would have to bomb London or the EU. Where the close family members are safely ensconced

    On Jihad, after prayers, they just rape the Yadzi sex slaves.

    Do we have to kill all their families also?


    Why cannot repubbs just sing:

    All my dreams are not lost of course.

    Detroit might keep my Viking dreams alive!




    you have a serious conflict of interest. You want to make it a war but you also hate the brothers in arms standing near both shoulders.

    Moat, I need no explanation from you.

    It is just that there is nuance here; and I am missing it!

    What in the hell are you referring to? (as I end a sentence with a preposition.)

    No nuance was hurt in the making of my comment. I was giving NCD a hard time for being such a staunch opponent of the hawks while framing the matter in a fashion that they also use. I regret being so snarky. I have conflicting points of view of the issues involved myself.

    I missed this!

    You are  a nice person Moat.

    Sometimes I think there are too few nice people.

    Thank you.

    Moats are designed to sink people in armor without a trace, to carry alligators that snap limbs in two, to separate the flaming arrows from their targets. Moats are seldom nice, but often effective. In the end it's a matter of still waters run deep - Moats are no wild river ride - they're a deceptively calm barrier that shows not  viciousness, but equanimity even in slow, anti-climactic death. Nice? we're not even halfway there.

    I have no idea what this means:


    I heard it was about blowjobs, but who am I?

    I cannot help this: but all you said just reminded me of the early sixties...


    I should ot laugh at your shite....

    I cannot help this, even a week late...



    Which part confuses you?
    The poet has declared he is not returning to the relationship any time soon and sees the last orgiastic moments as bringing about a fitting closure to the events preceding. The account seems self centered enough to be self explanatory.
    Or did I miss something?

    Peracles, it is odd to be thanking someone for noticing that I am not all that nice but there it is. Thanks.
    Now, back to drowning archers.

    All the GOP gets to me every day.  That includes all the hate filled cowards in Congress. 

    I began to feel that the KO's were out of line.

    Thank the Good Lord for NYT:

    Oh and here is CNN:

    I feel better now?

    No, I feel worse! I was hoping there had been some mistake. I have made several misstakes over the years. hahhahahah


    This does not feel right at all!







    Everybody needs to vote. Rational people will vote for the Democratic Party candidate. The Republicans created this monster to gain votes from an angry white base. Like Dr Frankenstein, they cannot control their creation. 

    As the WaPo notes, Trump's support comes from whites, especially those with a lower level of education.

    Whites are going to have to go to the polls to counteract these low-information voters.

    Dems need to vote!

    And what about American  Black Muslims?

    We have a Minnesota Congressman representing part of the TC.

    If Elison decides to go on a fact finding tour, would Trump prevent him from coming back?

    Thank God we have a Constitution.

    Even this Supreme Court would not allow the types of strange fascistic ideas this bastard has--or even lower Federal Courts for that matter!

    Richard, you said,
    "Even this Supreme Court would not allow the types of strange fascistic ideas this bastard has--or even lower Federal Courts for that matter!"
    I don't know about that.  Did you ever think that you would see America embrace torture, or the Supreme Court give foreign CEOs more clout in our political arena than American citizens, or innocent people held in detention without due process?  We no longer know what conservatives are capable of.  They don't have a sense of limits.

    Here I take six days or so to reply?

    Eric I get so damned depressed!

    But you know what? You have already felt hopelessness; you just keep on keepin on. ha!

    I am not sure how you do it.

    Yet it took me six days to respond to your response,

    I have witnessed the SC response to legal issues over the last half century.

    People like Cruz or Scalia tell me there are no limits.

    You must hope for the best.

    Otherwise you would give up.

    And Eric....

    You, like many real Americans will never give up.


    Is this just too WHITE to express some empathy?

    I get so damned lost sometimes....

    I really enjoy reading you Eric.

    You wake me up sometimes! ha

    No kidding.


    Dems need to vote!

    And what about American  Black Muslims?

    We have a Minnesota Congressman representing part of the TC.

    If Elison decides to go on a fact finding tour, would Trump prevent him from coming back?

    Thank God we have a Constitution.

    Even this Supreme Court would not allow the types of strange fascistic ideas this bastard has--or even lower Federal Courts for that matter!

    I was blown away by this latest outburst from The Donald.


    Now we need to stop any immigrants who 'claim' to be Muslims.

    "We need to get to the bottom of things."

    And Trump is really good at getting to the bottom of things, for sure!

    What is your religion?


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