The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    The attempt to frustrate a Palestinian state by illegal expropriation of land in the West Bank


    The West Bank contains approximately 250 settlements, illegal under international law, with  500,000 Israelis who control  over 62% of the area in which live 2.4 million Palestinians.

    This being a deliberate strategy  to establish facts on the ground in order to try to frustrate the establishment of a Palestinian state by the illegal expropriation of land.

    The only solution now available is for the UN Security Council to authorise by majority vote an independent Palestinian state in the whole of the West Bank within the next twelve months, with all illegal settlements being dismantled within that timeframe and all illegal settlers to return to their homes in Israel.

    Only then will this threat to world peace be permanently removed.



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