The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Michael Wolraich's picture

    New York State to Vote on Same-Sex Marriage

    While researching Blowing Smoke, I subscribed to a newsletter from the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, a non-profit organization "whose purpose it is to become the first-in-mind champion of Christian religious liberty, domestically and internationally, and a national clearing house and first line of response to anti-Christian defamation, bigotry, and discrimination."

    Ever since, the CADC has pursued its purpose of being first-in-mind and first-line by emailing me urgents alerts about satanic efforts to defame Christianity with subject lines like "MSNBC mocks Christ while ABC tramples Christian Women," "2,000 Reasons Why the Bible is True," and "URGENT: Radical Homosexual Bill Awaits Vote in NY Senate."

    Which brings me to the subject of today's alert, "It's crunch time for marriage in New York..."

    The message reads:

    Dear Konrad, [CADC knows me has Konrad]
    The next 24 hours may decide the future of marriage in New York and the whole nation! The Senate is awaiting a vote on a bill that, if passed, would allow for homosexual marriage in the state.
    Contact these 7 senators and tell them to vote no on homosexual marriage! If you can't get through on the phone, send an e-mail... but please do something!

    Stephen Saland
    (518) 455-2411
    [email protected]

    Andrew Lanza
    (518) 455-3215
    [email protected]

    Mark Grisanti
    (518) 455-3240
    [email protected]

    Greg Ball
    (518) 455-3111
    [email protected]

    John Flanagan
    (518) 455-2071
    [email protected]

    Joseph Addabbo
    (518) 455-2322
    [email protected]

    Shirley Huntley
    (518) 455-3531
    [email protected]
    For the Defense of the Gospel,
    Dr. Gary L. Cass, D.Min.
    God bless you.

    So you heard the man. Contact those senators, and give them an earful about the real meaning of bigotry.



    Konrad is Korrect.

    Thank you, Genghis!  Go Cuomo, you're making your Dad proud and your bishop blush!

    We'll call, but after you, Comrade Konrad.   ;o)

    I emailed. (I have telephone phobias.)

    I give this blog post all the credit. Bravo, G.

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