The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    Genghis translates the long lost works of a notorious first century heretic

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    The Heretic's Bible - Genesis 1: God’s first week of work

    At first, there wasn’t much of anything. Well, there was God, and there was some water, so maybe that’s a lot. But there wasn’t anything else, that’s my point. Then God decided to make some other stuff probably because he was bored of the water. So first he made some light so that he could see what he was doing. He thought that was a pretty good accomplishment for the first day and congratulated himself on a job well done.

    The second day, God made a hole in the water and called it the sky.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    The Heretic's Bible - Introduction

    Last summer, a team of archaeologists excavating a Roman-era latrine outside Jerusalem made a remarkable discovery. Buried beneath centuries of silt and fecal matter, the archaeologists discovered an ancient manuscript. The manuscript appears to be an abridged version of the Old Testament with commentary by the infamous heretic, Joseph the Latriner of Lokshen.


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