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    An Ugly Truth: Why Some Black People Are Still Waiting For Santa Claus

    Whenever I hear the Name Belafonte the first word that comes to mind is "Class." That’s the only word appropriate for the way Harry Belafonte represented Black manhood in the fifties and early sixties. During a time when the few other Black celebrities with the crossover appeal of Belafonte were trying their best to make the White world forget that they were Black, Harry Belafonte flaunted his Blackness with dignity and pride. This soft-spoken, intelligent, and self-assured Black man with the undulating body drove White women crazy for just a taste of forbidden fruit, while at the very same time giving the White establishment a glimpse of things to come.

    During that period America still viewed Black men in the Steppin’ Fetchit tradition, so for the most part, the only Black men that we saw or heard in the media were people like Lightin’ and Amos n Andy. So brothers like Harry Belafonte were sorely needed to upgrade our image, but ironically, Belafonte was so self-assured, and moved about the White world so effortlessly that there were a few in the Black community who called him an Uncle Tom. Such people will always be around. No matter how impressive a person is, you can always depend on a handful of haters pointing out that one of his shoestrings was shorter than the other.

    But, of course, calling Belafonte an Uncle Tom was ridiculous. Harry Belafonte was on the cutting edge when it came to defining the modern American Black man. Again, Belafonte was one of America’s first looks at what the modern Black man - at his best - was to become. While on the other hand, those who called him an Uncle Tom represented a throwback to the slave mentality of the Black man at his worse, with a mentality that dictates that any Black man who doesn’t walk around looking at his feet, or who is comfortable in casually dealing with White folks eyeball-to-eyeball, can’t be trusted.
    I’ve come to call that mentality the Smiley/West syndrome. You can always spot these people with just a glance. While they don’t act overtly subservient to White folks, and they’re even militant at times, their interactions with the White world always have a needy, self-conscious tinge to them, as though they’re seeking admiration, or recognition from the White world for being "brave" enough to speak up, and smart enough to speak to him in his own terms. Thus, while on the surface, they seem to be speaking on behalf of Black people, the message beneath the surface seems to be a desperate plea for acknowledgment, for the "Great White Father" to give them recognition for being "special."  Their actions and behavior seems to say, "See, I ain’t like those other niggas!"
    Such people are frauds. They’re trying to play both ends against the middle. On the one hand, they’re trying to gain the admiration of Black people for having the courage to speak up on their behalf, while on the other, they’re winking at the White man and desperately seeking his approval. That’s why such people were so hostile toward people like Harry Belafonte in the past, and are hostile toward Barack Obama today. People like Belafonte and Obama have attainted the stature and genuine respect of the White establishment that the frauds so desperately seek, so their response to people like Belafonte and Obama is like that of a child who resents their brother or sister because their daddy seems to like their sibling more.
    There’s clear evidence of this syndrome in the career of Cornel West. For a man who claims to love "his people" so desperately, it’s very curious that he’s never invested one smidgen of his lauded skills as an educator into an effort to educate Black kids. Cornel West has never taught at a predominantly Black school in his entire career. He’s chosen to educate the kids of the White elite at Harvard, Princeton, and Yale instead; and a good rule of thumb when attempting to assess the character of any individual - be they preacher, politician, or potentate - is to ignore what they say, and watch what they do.
    There are far too many Black people around who still suffer from this slave mentality. They’ve been convinced over the years that their own people are inferior, so unlike the people of most cultures, whose prime motivation is to come together and help move their people forward, the prime motivation of far too many Black people is to prove that they’re somehow superior to their own people. Then, when they come across other Black people who demonstrate the excellence, and even brilliance, that thrives throughout the Black community, instead of embracing these people, they feel challenged, and become hostile.
    As a direct result of that attitude by some, the very Black people with the knowledge, foresight, and character to help us move forward, are often severely scrutinized and brutally attacked, and that’s exactly what’s taking place with respect to President Obama. Instead of just letting the President do his job like any other president, people like Tavis Smiley and Cornel West are constantly demanding that he PROVE that he cares about Black people. It’s ridiculous - the man’s wife and children are Black, and he’s Black!
    But it’s more than just ridiculous; it hurts the Black community, and it hurts the nation. It makes the President’s job twice as hard, because in order for the President to be effective, he has to have the solid support of the people. So this constant insinuation by his Black critics that he’s somehow "not Black enough," not only dilutes his Black support, but their constant demands that he do something SPECIAL for the Black community to prove his Blackness, serves as grist for the mill of his political opponents. His opponents use such demands to both further dilute the Black community by claiming that he should be doing more for Black people, and then flipping the coin and telling the President’s White supporters that all he cares about is delivering special treatment for Black people. Thus, everything he does is scrutinize and evaluated in that light. As a result, everything he does that happens to benefit any group, is turned around and used against him as evidence that he doesn’t care about another.   
     It also hurts the Black community because it prevents President Obama from using his bully pulpit to even suggest things that the Black community could do to improve its plight, and that’s something that’s needed very badly. A prime example of that was when, then, Senator Obama, was running for President, he gave a Father’s Day speech suggesting that Black fathers step up to the plate and take responsibility for their children. The next day all hell broke loose. Dr. Boyce Watkins - who it now turns out is an undercover Black conservative - wrote an article in "Your Black World" wanting to know why Obama singled out only Black deadbeat dads. It seemed to me that, that should have been obvious. 
    What makes this problem so tenacious, and so easily seized upon by Black demagogues, is that Black people have been on the receiving end of such groundlessly slanderous criticism over the centuries that we’ve become overly sensitive to ALL criticism - even when it’s constructive and warranted. We’ve got to get past that and learn to follow truth. We’ve got to train our minds to always give truth priority over ideology, and learn to follow truth wherever it leads and regardless to whose ox it gores. If we can simply teach ourselves to do just that one thing, it would put us "Miles Ahead" (pun intended) of every other group in America.
    Truth is much like physical pain. While it can be severely uncomfortable, it can also alert us to serious problems that need to be addressed. So again, we should always follow truth wherever it leads, and then, if we don’t like where it leads us, instead of trying to deny truth, we should take the necessary action to modify what it reveals.
    If we can do that, we’ll see many of the problems in the Black community begin to melt away, because truth will tell us that we’re both the primary source of many of our problems, and the primary source of their solutions. Truth would tell us that more money passes through the Black community than through many countries, so if we would learn to work together and patronize our own businesses, we could become a nation within a nation. Truth would also tell us that we need to begin to teach our children the value of knowledge from the day they’re born, and we should also teach them about the stupidity of killing one another over a "territory" where they don’t own even one blade of grass.
    Truth would also tell us that our churches should be doing a lot more in the community than just preaching and collecting money every Sunday. It’s not enough to just recite the words of Jesus. Jesus’s words were designed to teach us how to actually live, not just TALK about how to live.

    One of the things that Jesus said was, "If you claim to be the children of Abraham, you’d be doing the works of Abraham." Are our churches doing the works of Abraham? I don’t think so. If they were, there wouldn’t be a hungry child in America. So again, truth would tell us that our Churches, and the preachers who preside over our churches, spend far too much time TELLING us about Jesus, and far too little time LIVING like Jesus.
    Take the issue of poverty, for example. One of the biggest expenses for many working mothers is childcare. Why aren’t our churches helping to relieve that burden by keeping the churches open during the week and using some of their tithes to provide affordable childcare for working mothers? They could also hire unemployed mothers to staff the operation, and use retired teachers within their congregation to help educate the children. I think that’s what Jesus would have done. 
    So until we open our eyes to the truth, we cannot correct one of the most serious legacies of slavery - the belief by many that Black people have a moral obligation to remain ignorant. It doesn’t matter how sophisticated we think we’ve become, we are still the product of a racist environment, and as such, many of us are just as racist toward other Black people as any racist, sheet-wearing, barefoot, Hillbilly - and in many cases, even more so.  I refer to such people as "bligots" (Black-on-Black bigots) - and let there be no doubt about it, there are many of them out there. 
    So in order to neutralize that inbred legacy of slavery, it is incumbent upon us to expand our minds and seek to become independent thinkers. Each and every one of us should begin to educate ourselves, and thereafter, never give anyone else's ability to think priority over our own. Yes, we should continue to absorb knowledge from the knowledgeable, but we should evaluate that knowledge, and then ALWAYS connect the dots for ourselves.
    And remember, even though knowledge is the most valuable commodity on Earth, it's free, so no one can deprive you of it. There is just as much knowledge on Google or at the corner library as there is at Harvard, Princeton, and Yale Universities combined. So if you don't avail yourself of it, you're CHOOSING to remain ignorant. That's the one thing that we can't blame on the White man.
    And finally, the human mind was designed to hate ignorance, so true pride can only be had through the acquisition of knowledge. Thus, until such time that we obtain the true pride that comes with knowledge, we are doomed to continue to hate ourselves, which will make it impossible for us to ever come together to fight for the independence, equality, and justice necessary to sustain a viable culture. So the long and the short of it is, until we learn to respect the power of knowledge, we will remain enslaved - period.


    Eric L. Wattree
    [email protected]Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
    Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.


    There is prestige and money to be gained being a Black Conservative. Herman Cain gained notoriety for his 9-9-9 tax plan even though it was worthless. Ben Carson proposed a health savings account as a replacement for Obamacare. The $2000 provided annually would  leave poor and middle-class citizens with serious medical conditions and no health insurance from work in poverty. The plan does not provide enough to cover a health insurance plan sufficient to cover significant medical problems.

    Now we have WSJ columnist Jason Riley's book "Please Stop Helping Us" telling us the evils of minimum wage, affirmative action, and "soft-on-crime" laws. The Black Conservative argues that fewer Black students are graduating because we are sending stupid Black students to elite schools. Riley modifies the identical argument heard from White Conservatives by stating that these Black students are bright for being Black students, but not bright enough to be in elite schools. These Blacks would do just fine in state schools.

    I decided to fact check the Black Conservative's assertion about those overwhelmed Black students by checking graduation rates at elite schools. MIT's graduation rate for Black students ranged from 72-87% with higher rates in more recent years. Recent graduation rate for Blacks at Harvard was 96% and 93% at CalTech. There are reasons that more Blacks are not ready for college, but the argument that dumb students are being sent to elite schools is not a factor. The argument does bring joy to the hearts of White Conservatives.

    All you have to do to become a Black Conservative pundit is to tell the rubes what they want to hear. Then when you get fact-checked and found to be in error, just say you are being victimized by those racist White Liberals and Black poverty pimps.

    I'm reminded of Hanlon's razor:

    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

    It's easy to imagine that there are plenty of African Americans who hold conservative views, and that, as you point out, there is a selection bias that elevates these people within the conservative community. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure some of them are truly manipulative and are holding these views (or pretending to) just for fame and/or other benefit. However, I suspect that most of them sincerely hold these beliefs and are thus merely useful idiots.

    You may be correct. 

    BTW, Obama is doing better than Reagan on aspects of the economy.

    TRUTH CAN STING . . . . But not like life can if you try to ignore truth. What we're going through in the country is a living testament to that. The people of this country tried to deny their racism and then turned around and voted their bigotry when they voted for Reagan and the Bush's because they wanted them to hold minorities down. Now they're down here with us, and whinin' to a Black man for relief. . Now ain't that just too ironic? God had to have a hand in that. . Forbes Magazine * It’s Official: President Obama Is The Best Economic President In Modern Times * AND THIS IS IN SPITE OF A RACIST AND OBSTRUCTIONIST CONGRESS!!! http://www.addictinginfo.org/2014/09/06/its-official-president-obama-is-... Eric L. Wattree's photo.

    The police chief and Mayor of Ferguson, Missouri probably had sequential heart attacks when the Black State Police Captain was put in charge. They stroked out when a Black Brigadier General was in charge of the National Guard. They fibrillated when Attorney General Eric Holder arrived.

    The data collected about the shooting has not been out before the public. The records and Grand Jury trial are in the hands of a prosecutor that is not trusted by the Black community and the Governor is too weak-kneed to call for a Special Prosecutor.

    I am afraid to get into this.

    That is just the truth.

    I have problems walking a mile in my parent's shoes.

    But here goes:

    Whether you’re educated or illiterate, whether you live on the boulevard or in the alley, you’re going to catch hell just like I am. We’re all in the same boat and we all are going to catch the same hell from the same man. He just happens to be a white man. All of us have suffered here, in this country, political oppression at the hands of the white man, economic exploitation at the hands of the white man, and social degradation at the hands of the white man.......

    Yet in Obama’s autobiography “Dreams From My Father” it is apparent how strongly Malcolm’s X’s vision has shaped his own.  Malcolm’s writings serve as a template for understanding anger, his own and that of other black men, but they also forced him to articulate his unease with destruction as a path to the solidification of racial identity, especially the value of expunging his white heritage.  Still, he comes to realize that the complexities of anger remain an important subtext for interpersonal understanding. He writes about a conflict with a white former girlfriend who, after seeing a play that made salient black anger and humor, said that she thought that such anger was a “dead-end.” Obama, it is implied, saw the anger as necessary, for catharsis but also for survival, given the strictures of racism, and her inability to appreciate these aspects was a signal of a deeper incompatibility of worldviews.http://www.salon.com/2014/09/09/why_obama_cant_show_his_rage_malcolm_x_key_and_peele_and_the_personal_history_behind_his_cautious_ferguson_response/

    Booker T

    Life is more complicated than writers or pundits say.

    Booker T seemed to think, to hell with it, work with what you got.

    And yet, 'behind the scenes' Booker T would 'fight' for desegration.



    Du Bois said basically 'fuck em' and was a commie and...

    This is the course I would have taken if I had been a Black Man!



    According to Lévi-Strauss, "mythical thought always progresses from the awareness of oppositions toward their resolution".[26] In other words, myths consist of:

    1. elements that oppose or contradict each other and

    2. other elements that "mediate", or resolve, those oppositions.....

      The trickster is a mediator. Since his mediating function occupies a position halfway between two polar terms, he must retain something of that duality—namely an ambiguous and equivocal character.[27]



    Why would a Supreme Court Justice and folks like Dr. Ben become so goddamnable and turn their backs on America's Greatest Sin?

    Maybe they feel like they are the 'trickster'.  It might be a rationalization, maybe their roles are honestly experienced.

    I do not know.

    The corporate teat is always there.

    'Scientists' will breach their own rules to support BP or Exxon or whatever and deny climate change.

    'Economists' paid the highest salaries will support corporate sins.

    'Pundits' are easy to spot as long as we know where their paychecks arise.

    Hell, scientists will openly deny evolution and get paid extremely well.

    The trickster is a means to obtain an end and yet 'we' might need tricksters as a sociological means to achieve an end.

    Du Bois and Booker T represent opposing poles.

    Again, I am just rambling with only Wiki sites because I aint gonna research this problem or series of issues to death.

    Eric you forgot more about this 'subject' than I could ever learn in decades, and I do not have decades.

    I understand, sometimes, that motivations are difficult to discern.

    I also understand that 90% of 'Blacks' ;know damn well; whether they are members of megachurches or PACS or Civil Rights Organizations, that repubs are the enemy.

    I am just musing in the middle of the night.

    Maybe we need more tricksters from the left.

    And I always like your writings.

    I am sorry that I am such a coward and do not comment enough on your essays.

    the end

    I hope this does not sound shallow, but this is how I feel



    Again, Du Bois and Booker T each presented their own ethos, with their own history and their own anger and their own possible solutions.








    Richard, Some times we all overanalyze. That's why my approach to ALL problems is to cut to the chase. The nub of problem is ALWAYS stupidity, and the solution is ALWAYS knowledge. So when assessing any problem, the first look for the source of stupidity. Once I find that, the problem is half solved.

    I do not 'know' what the 'truth' is anymore.

    I am lost, really.

    But I support any attempt at getting to the truth and I support the First Amendment to our Constitution and hopefully, we get the message out there.

    And if I know anything at all, you are attempting to get this truth out there.

    Half solved is better than zero solved.

    I support you and I will attempt to aid in that aim.

    But damn, corporations keep on keepin on in their attempt to obfuscate those truths.

    We sell everything imaginable on TV and on the Web all the time.

    How does this work?

    Like I have emphasized afore, money controls our very souls.

    Whether it is Tide or cheezwhiz or political ads, people in America (and all over the globe) are affected by propaganda. and THE RIGHT will spend billions upon billions to propagandize a point. 

    We, as Dems, are surely going to lose the House and the Senate, and it all involves money and ads.

    I just get depressed, but I will never give up.


    I totally agree, Richard - except for the part about the Dems losing the House and Senate, but maybe that's wishful thinking on my part: Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree Revenge of the Nerds: Are Americans Being Brainwashed Into Mass Servitude? . I gave up watching television about a year ago. One day I got tired of simply complaining about how silly and inane television shows were and decided to do something about it. So I called Direct TV and told them to shove it, and I haven’t regretted that decision for even one second since. . But last week I had occasion to spend a night in a motel, and for lack of anything else to do, I decided to turn on the television and let it lull me to sleep. That decision not only confirmed why I stopped watching it in the first place, but much more. After not watching it for a year, its aggressive propagandizing was not only much more apparent to me, but its blatant and heavy-handed approach to controlling the public’s collective mind was all but oppressive. . The problem - and danger of television - is that it lulls the mind into a hypnotic state and then presents ideas and concepts as though it goes without saying that they’re valid. That causes the public to accept the most ridiculous and dysfunctional propositions as valid without the scrutiny of critical evaluation. . One of the most destructive propositions that television promotes in this manner is the concept that brawn is superior to brains. How many times have you watched movies or television shows that portray the dumb and clueless jock as superior to the "nerdy" intellectual? These shows will show a jock who can’t chew gum and tie his shoes at the same time as a handsome, sharp dressing, and confident lady’s man, while portraying the most intelligent student in the school as disheveled, awkward, and a turn-off to women. In short, they routinely profile intelligence and the pursuit of knowledge as a dysfunctional condition to be avoided at all costs. . That is the exact opposite of the message that we should be sending our young people. So it’s no wonder that America is rapidly sliding downhill. The fact is, just because an individual is intelligent, that doesn’t mean that he or she is either awkward, nerdy, or, socially dysfunctional. One simply has to look at many of the elegant denizens of Wall Street or Madison Avenue to recognize the fallacy of that portrayal - in fact, many of the struttin’, jock-strap-wearing "lady’s men" from high school are now the chauffeurs, flunkies, and "gofers" of these so-called nerds. . But perhaps that’s why many of the rich and accomplished have so little sympathy for middle-class America - they remember how they were treated in high school and college while they were trying to lay down their foundation for success. Many were looked down upon and treated as outcasts, so now, it’s payback time - and we’ve made that payback extremely easy to accomplish. . When many of us should have been hard at work laying down our own foundation to become competent individuals, we were so busy trying to be popular, and living vicariously through the exploits of our favorite celebrities and sports heroes, that we never learned to think. Instead of learning HOW to think, we were taught WHAT to think. As a result, we’ve become so thoroughly programmed in group-think that we’re now mired in a cesspool of intellectual dysfunction. That accounts for why we routinely hear, and never question, comments like, "President Obama is a socialist - he’s engaged in a socialist plot to provide my family with healthcare." Many Americans have been so brainwashed with respect to the "isms" that they fail to recognize the stupidity of such a statement. . A sizable number of Americans have also casually accepted the ridiculous concept that by making the simply rich, filthy rich, it will help to create jobs - and that’s in spite of the fact that the American middle class has been plummeting downhill for the past 35 years under the fallacy of that economic concept. Far too many Americans lack the simple intellectual competence to recognize that regardless to how much money we give to the rich, they will never use that money to create jobs unless they have someone to purchase the products in which those jobs produce - and the American middle class no longer possess those funds, because we’ve already given the rich our money . . . for free. So the one-percenters have absolutely no incentive to create jobs - they don’t have to. They can just sit back and play the stock market with the money they’re already getting from the American taxpayer. So why should they take on the additional headache of actually having to produce a product? . . . (MORE) . http://wattree.blogspot.com/2014/09/revenge-of-nerds-are-americans-being...

    I totally agree, Richard - except for the part about the Dems losing the House and Senate, but maybe that's wishful thinking on my part: Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree Revenge of the Nerds: Are Americans Being Brainwashed Into Mass Servitude? . I gave up watching television about a year ago. One day I got tired of simply complaining about how silly and inane television shows were and decided to do something about it. So I called Direct TV and told them to shove it, and I haven’t regretted that decision for even one second since. . But last week I had occasion to spend a night in a motel, and for lack of anything else to do, I decided to turn on the television and let it lull me to sleep. That decision not only confirmed why I stopped watching it in the first place, but much more. After not watching it for a year, its aggressive propagandizing was not only much more apparent to me, but its blatant and heavy-handed approach to controlling the public’s collective mind was all but oppressive. . The problem - and danger of television - is that it lulls the mind into a hypnotic state and then presents ideas and concepts as though it goes without saying that they’re valid. That causes the public to accept the most ridiculous and dysfunctional propositions as valid without the scrutiny of critical evaluation. . One of the most destructive propositions that television promotes in this manner is the concept that brawn is superior to brains. How many times have you watched movies or television shows that portray the dumb and clueless jock as superior to the "nerdy" intellectual? These shows will show a jock who can’t chew gum and tie his shoes at the same time as a handsome, sharp dressing, and confident lady’s man, while portraying the most intelligent student in the school as disheveled, awkward, and a turn-off to women. In short, they routinely profile intelligence and the pursuit of knowledge as a dysfunctional condition to be avoided at all costs. . That is the exact opposite of the message that we should be sending our young people. So it’s no wonder that America is rapidly sliding downhill. The fact is, just because an individual is intelligent, that doesn’t mean that he or she is either awkward, nerdy, or, socially dysfunctional. One simply has to look at many of the elegant denizens of Wall Street or Madison Avenue to recognize the fallacy of that portrayal - in fact, many of the struttin’, jock-strap-wearing "lady’s men" from high school are now the chauffeurs, flunkies, and "gofers" of these so-called nerds. . But perhaps that’s why many of the rich and accomplished have so little sympathy for middle-class America - they remember how they were treated in high school and college while they were trying to lay down their foundation for success. Many were looked down upon and treated as outcasts, so now, it’s payback time - and we’ve made that payback extremely easy to accomplish. . When many of us should have been hard at work laying down our own foundation to become competent individuals, we were so busy trying to be popular, and living vicariously through the exploits of our favorite celebrities and sports heroes, that we never learned to think. Instead of learning HOW to think, we were taught WHAT to think. As a result, we’ve become so thoroughly programmed in group-think that we’re now mired in a cesspool of intellectual dysfunction. That accounts for why we routinely hear, and never question, comments like, "President Obama is a socialist - he’s engaged in a socialist plot to provide my family with healthcare." Many Americans have been so brainwashed with respect to the "isms" that they fail to recognize the stupidity of such a statement. . A sizable number of Americans have also casually accepted the ridiculous concept that by making the simply rich, filthy rich, it will help to create jobs - and that’s in spite of the fact that the American middle class has been plummeting downhill for the past 35 years under the fallacy of that economic concept. Far too many Americans lack the simple intellectual competence to recognize that regardless to how much money we give to the rich, they will never use that money to create jobs unless they have someone to purchase the products in which those jobs produce - and the American middle class no longer possess those funds, because we’ve already given the rich our money . . . for free. So the one-percenters have absolutely no incentive to create jobs - they don’t have to. They can just sit back and play the stock market with the money they’re already getting from the American taxpayer. So why should they take on the additional headache of actually having to produce a product? . . . (MORE) . http://wattree.blogspot.com/2014/09/revenge-of-nerds-are-americans-being...

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