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    Trump's Populist Support Message? Horse Pucky!

    August 12, 2016 - WaPo - Wonkblog

    A massive new study debunks a widespread theory for Donald Trump’s success

    Economic distress and anxiety across working-class white America have become a widely discussed explanation for the success of Donald Trump. It seems to make sense.


    Yet a major new analysis from Gallup, based on 87,000 interviews the polling company conducted over the past year, suggests this narrative is not complete.


    The results suggest that his supporters, on average, do not have lower incomes than other Americans, nor are they more likely to be unemployed.


    Here's the poll study...

    August 11, 2016
    Jonathan T. Rothwell

    Explaining Nationalist Political Views: The Case of Donald Trump


    Download This Paper

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    Oh come on, they're told things are terrible and it's affecting them and there's a war on Christmas and the Muslim terrorist immigrants are coming. They feel unsafe beacuse they're fed fake fear every fucking day of their lives, plus indeed many jobs in the heartland have changed with fewer benefits, so between the 2, discontent is rife. Internet/social media reinforces this with 100's of me-too responses to any complaint, no matter how bullshit. Rush Limbaugh isnt even needed anymore - his method is genetically implanted at this point.

    Peracles ... Really...

    Well... I see these comments from the WaPo article as pretty much summing up the dealio...


    Hmmm, I'll have to rethink the Girl Scout vote. Anyway, I've long felt Hillary dislike was overhyped, despite the polls and constant gnashing of teeth over it. Just silly stuff like Republicans upset that the Clinton Foundation might put money influence in politics? The party that hates the State Department worried about an ambassador dying? The party of Cheney who actively denied any oversight of his actions worried about email transparency? Whole data center full of no compute to process these days - afraid my brain may short circuit.

    Brain... Short circuit?


    Ah right, mixed salad with ragula - for the elite.

    There's a rhetorical rule against over-explaining a phenomenon- if you're across the goal line, quit running.

    Rule/schmule there  happen to be two major reasons.  First , advertising works, if you make Americans believe Budweiser tastes good you can make them believe anything- like Hillary's evil.  Second, at best men-or at least so large a majority that it's hair splitting to be more precise - only pretend to accept women as their equal. Maggie Thatcher learned that and Angela Merkel will. Maybe related to the reproductive instinct.

    Other factors playing a part are  older women's envy that Hill's  getting to have it all ; and  whatever's going on with younger women which I won't try to explain.

    It's a miracle she's gotten this far! 



    Well Peracles, when I was a kid, Xmas meant something.

    Now internet links (as you call them) denounce my Lord & Savior.


    I remember,


    Like the last book in the New Testament.

    So if the end is really nigh...


    Except there is always a way out?

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