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    There are many ways to handle this problem.

    How the hell can The Onion handle reality that is spliced with satire? Reality that is nothing but a joke?

    I shall choose one or two of T-Rump's silliness.
    So let us begin with T-Rump.
    Like David or Solomon or a hundred Pharaohs (I always like to add that Pharaoh means the house of the king, but who gives a damn?) , the king had many wives and many concubines.

    Rich men get a lot of pussy, as it were.
    I particularly like concubines. hahahahah
    Personally, I would like twenty concubines, as long as they stayed healthy and without STD's AND WERE properly tested daily and...
    and yet....
    T-Rump has had several wives and many, many concubines.
    Cosby might have had more, but the more never really knew what had happened to them.
    anyhow, T-Rump liked a certain radio show.
    Howard Stern.
    And so, in the old days, T-Rump would phone in, as it were.
    And T-Rump and Stern would talk about pussy and such and...
    Now, T-Rump attacks Senator Clinton or Secretary Clinton as sitting by...or attempting to cover her husband's indescritions?
    If Billy could not keep it outside of his Zipper, T-Rump never even acknowledged a zipper.
    Okay, do not throw glasses anywhere.
    There have been a thousand instances where T-Rump has been hypocritical.
    But this is nuts?
    Hell, T-Rump has admitted his own lust for his own daughter?
    So, T-Rump goes after Secretary Clinton because she was married to a prick?
    At least Bill never sent away for a foreign bride.
    And T-Rump did this three times?
    The Onion, cannot fake this type of shit, or satirize this type of shit, or even make up stuff about this shit. hahahahahah
    I feel sorry or The Onion right now.
    But I feel really really sorry for America and the Media and...

    I guess it must be the shape of your heart.



    The shape of your heart?

    To attack Hillary for Bill's indiscretions is nuts.

    AND THE MEDIA (whatever the fuck that means) SHOULD SHUT THIS MOTHER FUCKER DOWN!

    I am sorry, I am really really mad about this.

    We are all tangled up in blue.

    But damn

    How long can this hypocracy last?







    Oh Hillary hang in there.

    Don't stop thinkin about tomorrow:




    We live in a diverse society.

    T-Rump followers like white power.

    repubs over all love white power.

    repubs really love money power, but who the hell cares?

    We must all find our way in this chaotic universe.

    We must find our own way




    Here is one that should up lift you.  One Night Stand Boogie It is from 1951

    Actually I was wondering when they would get to Bill's peccadillos. You know Trump with sling do do all over the place. That is why I am sticking to my food blog.  It is a very calm place.


    They spent $70 million on impeaching Bill for his pet cadillo 20 years ago, and now she's endorsing his wife for president. What's a billionaire serial adulterer supposed to say to that? at least he outTrumped Bill, ripping his wife's hair out  in one of those pesky he said-she said rape/non-rapes, instead of a more gingerly cigar foreplay in the oval orifice. That's how real men do it. Ask Ted Nugent (when he's not hunting & eatin' critters). Not sure why Don's daughter Tiffany took so long to endorse him, but might have something to do with speculating about her legs and future breasts when she was an infant - on national TV. Speaking of breasts, Donald told Howard Stern if his wife #3 got her face messed up in a carwreck, he'd still stay with her - if her breasts were okay. Touching, seriously. At least until candidate #4 comes along, then it's "you're fired". Ivanka *has* endorsed dad, and maybe that's because he said he'd date her if she weren't his own daughter - which hopefully means he hasn't "dated" her yet. (Biologically, that would one better Woody Allen, apparently not on Susan Sarandon's fanlist - don't look for her in Manhattan 2, but maybe she'll stump for The Don just to make sure her dystopian predictions come true).

    Yeah, it's a major carney trick - rat out your opponent for doing something you're doing 100 times more. Trump's a master at the faux outrage. People who've always had lots and lots of money know how to do that. Thus the success of the GOP & Tea Party these last 20 years.

    Yeah, hard to argue, really. hahahahahahah

    I hereby render unto Peracles the Dayly Comment (reply?) of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site, given to all of him from all of me.

    But I must underline the fact that I would never allow this sombitch to take my granddaughters to the park.


    It's okay, Dick - I'll just wait for 'em here in the bushes. hahahahha. thump.

    Hey Momoe, I check your blog every day, it is easy because I get your emails every day. haha

    I do love this Jazz piece that arose when I had reached the fine age of one. hahahha

    You know, even in 1951, many folks knew what a one-night boogie might mean. hahahaha



    I hope you like the new layout. Just incase your interested. It doubled my traffic. The new home page has people spending time looking around. I am still not done organizing the new menu.  It is all your fault. You got me addicted. Ha. 

    That's such a great version by Dylan, is it not? 

    They should bronze the entire state of Minnesota, just in honour of Dylan and Prince.

    [Though it might also keep those goddamn Vikings fans from leaving the state.]

    Yeah, some idiot wishes to build a statue in DC for Tebow. hahahahahahah

    We got Bobby and Bugliosi up here. 

    Prince is down there.

    But all three changed the world, Q. In their own way I suppose.

    As far as the Vikings?

    We have the Kensington Rune 
    Stone. hahahahah


    ​And we had four chances and Tarkington in three of those combats.

    ​Besides, as you well know, in the hockey world, we sent our team to Dallas a long time ago.

    How in the fuck can Dallas call these fucks the Northstars. hahhahaha

    We still have the Twins and just wait and see, another two or three decades and....

    Well, we in Minnesota will still love these folks tomorrow. 




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