oldenGoldenDecoy's picture

    How "Don the Dick-tator" Has Bamboozled His Way To The Top


    It is a simple plan...

    ... to an autocratic position of power...


    See: How to Build an Autocracy - David Frum - January 30, 2017 - The Atlantic

    The basic sales pitch of recruitment that DJT uses…

    1. Solve a problem

    Find the key problem, then tell them that you have the solutions, even though you don’t.

    2. Create a funnel

    The funnel often starts with a free product, service, or a piece of content to build trust, and leads further down. Call it something catchy like,“The Bridge to Freedom.”

    Keep the member engaged by not scaring them away with a larger ask while you progressively build trust and get commitments from the member.

    3. Get investment

    Get members to make considerable investment of their time, money, and energy.

    Once they’ve spent so much time and money on something, why would they quit?

    4. Foster a community

    Having a welcoming community of like-minded members makes joining the endeavor more fun to join and makes it less challenging to leave.

    5. Recruit influencers

    Recruit well known public figures who your members trust to advocate for the cause.

    6. Appeal to emotion

    People rarely think rationally. Present the cause as a mission, a lifestyle, of you're the victim. It gives people purpose to get across “The Bridge to Freedom.”

    And ...

    Where did the above original sales pitch come from?


    I'm not surprised.



    Hi Ducky!

    L. RON?


    Well, people do not think rationally. At least in my limited experience


    Too funny - matching weird orange hair to boot - the Church of Turnipology - Donald, get thee to an eMeter. Perhaps Steve Bannon is really Xenu reincarnated, and Ben Carson was talking about "Grain Volcanoes", not pyramids. Accepting Alternate Facts just goes with the territory. I mean, I was hoping to segue into the Illuminati trilogy, but this could possibly be as good. Let's just hope to precious Jesus that John Travolta doesn't decide to make another movie. Seriously, gouging my own eyeballs out is not something I cherish. But in any case, it's all laughs from here on out.


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