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    A Woman Has to Say It: McCain Meltdown HISTRIONICS!


    The word "histrionic" has traditionally conjured up the image of a deranged woman.  Indeed, the word itself comes from a Greek word meaning "uterus."  And it's a word or an image that women politicians strive to avoid:  For them it would doom a candidacy from the start.

    Histrionics.  Soap Opera.   Drama Queen.  Hysterical Melt Down.  John McCain has given us all of that and more this week:

    Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me.

    ♪♪♪  Put that to music.  ♪♪♪

    You have the proverbial female opera star tantrum:

    Hizzoner mcHistrionic!

    On a world stage.  By a supposed political leader.

    John McCain has given us several days of histrionics.  Several days, which suddenly put his personality into perspective.  The narcissism.  The unpredictability.  The chaos. The lack of insight.  The lies while trumpeting Hizzoner.  The anger.  It's all come together now:  Histrionics on steroids!

    Contrast that with No Drama Obama.

    If you go back to John McCain's biography, it all fits together.  The maverick, as one blogger has incessantly told us the last couple days, is a calf that keeps going astray and has to be rescued.  Well, apparently our "hero" was prone to tantrums even as a toddler.  His famed angry outbursts, which go way, way back, have been not just  outbursts of rage - but a means of attention-seeking and manipulation.  His famous escapades at Annapolis.  Same thing!  His POW status - I hate to say it folks, but I can do this as a woman - trumpeted for dramatic, self-serving, histrionic ends.  Think of all the ways John McCain has acted out.  Then imagine if a woman had done these things.  She'd have been branded as hysterical long ago!

    The strange thing here is that Sarah Palin, for all her negatives, has not been described as hysterical.  But for sure the man who named her as his "second" was looking for a spark for his moribund campaign.   And boy did he get a bang for that!  She drew crowds.  She energized the base.  She drew attention.  Away from him.

    John McCain, Hysterical Drama Queen, needs to have the attention on HIM.  It can't be the financial mess we're in.  It has to be HIM.  It can't be "country first."  It has to be HIM.  It can't be "leadership" (for the country, the world, whatever).

    ♪ ♫ ♬♭♯  It has to be HIM. ♪ ♫ ♬♭♯

    And if it isn't HIM, we're gonna see a Melt Down.  A Soap Opera.  Chaos.  Histrionics and Hysterics!

    So I urge you to pass this along:  At a time when our country is in peril of a financial melt-down, one man wants all the attention.  And to grab it, he'll appoint a clueless Trophy woman as his "second."  To grab it, he'll disrupt delicate bi-partisan negotiations in the Congress.  To grab it, I can only imagine the international chaos he could get us into.  Take a little time and think this through.  Put it together with what you know of his biography, his MO.  Envision the future if you can stand the thought of so much chaos.

    But please, for the love of God, vote for Barack Obama.

    We and the world need:  No Drama. Obama.


    (We don't need more hysterics.)


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