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    Palin vs. the Tea Party

     Mudflats has obtained e-mails revealing Todd Palin's anger at Joe Miller, the Republican Tea Partier nominee for Senate from Alaska. They also have e-mails detailing Miller's inside-the-campaign response:

    I just found this in my inbox. This is what we're dealing with. Note the date and the complete misconstruction of what I said.

    Holy cow.

    Yes, Joe. That is what you were dealing with. The rest of us kinda suspected.

    Here's the deal: Sarah Palin did in fact put serious backing behind Miller to knock off incumbent Senator Lisa Murkowski, a long-time political enemy of Palin's. Then, as a nominee running for Senate, Miller got asked on Fox if Palin were qualified for President. Miller, trying to win his own election this year instead of someone else's two years down the road, said that there were a lot of great Republican candidates. Not an endorsement, but also pretty standard campaign-season non-commitment. And that's where his Palin troubles began.

    Todd Palin, at least, was enraged that Miller didn't volunteer a full-throated endorsement of Sarah for President, before Palin has even admitted that she is running:

    Sarah put her ass on the line for Joe and yet he can't answer a simple question " is Sarah Palin Qualified to be President." I DON'T KNOW IF SHE IS.

    That's Todd Palin, master of the aggrieved and inaccurate paraphrase. Give him a hand, folks.

    The e-mail indicates that a fund-raising letter and a Facebook post backing Miller will be held back in retaliation. And he urged Miller to feel more compassion for the sufferings of the martyred St. Sarah:

    Put yourself in her shoe's Joe for one day.

    What's brilliant about this is that Palin now has no horse to back in her homestate Senate race. She's feuding with her own protege, Miller, before he's won. (And if you punish a protege before they get into office, they will always know that they won despite you.) Murkowski is a long-standing nemesis whose career Palin just tried to end. And the Democrat's a Democrat. No matter who wins, Palin doesn't.

    And this is Reason #467 why Palin will never be President. She attacks her own allies. Because she and her inner circle see enemies everywhere, they eventually have enemies everywhere.

    She has an outrageous sense of entitlement that has nothing to do with sound strategy. This fight is about an endorsement that no politician would expect and which wasn't even worth anything. Palin didn't need Miller's backing at this point. She and Todd simply believe that she was owed it. If Miller wins, he could surely have been counted on to endorse Palin later on, when it actually mattered and when his endorsement was worth a damn. But he won't be making any endorsement like that now. And no one else will, either. No matter who wins the Senate seat from Alaska, they are going to work against Palin. In fact, it's the Republicans who distrust and dislike her the most.

    Even worse for a politician, the "put yourself in her shoe's" remark suggests that the people closest to Palin genuinely view her to be suffering like Joan of Arc. That's not a sound or sane view of the world. Palin has attained enormous wealth and fame at whiplash speed, on the basis of very very few qualifications of any kind. She is one of the most fortunate human beings ever to have walked the Earth. If she views that career as a source of grievance and resentment, she will never have a happy day in her life, and she will never cease lashing out at people who have helped her and might continue doing so. That's no way to win anything.




    Bang! The notorious Doctor Cleveland strikes again with deadly accuracy.

    Palin "will never have a happy day in her life." OK, sounds fair.

    I think the very important revelation here is Todd as 'shadow' presidential candidate. If 'Quitter' runs for president which I imagine she might do just to gain more power and money even though she can't win, we can look forward to interviewing Todd as to what 'he' will do once 'he' is in 'office'.

    All jokes aside, Palin is a threat to the political stability of the political process. It's not so much Palin as it is those tea-baggers with their MILF fantasizes. And let's not forget an almost huge majority of the tea-bagger movement Palin is capitalizing on are completely clueless about how our government and political processes work. For instance, they're totally against socialism, yet can't comprehend the costs of their police, fire, libraries and schools are spread across the entire public domain. Sharron Angle is furious that her health insurance costs includes maternity care which she no longer needs. Yet as a single individual living in Nevada, my property taxes included my fair share of the costs to pay off bond issues for schools...I have no children.

    There's something about sharing the costs for the benefit of all that comes into play that Angle and tea-baggers seem to forget. It was fine that everyone pitched in to help pay off the costs of raising their children...schools, teachers, libraries, parks, recreation and public pools, school events, music lessons, but now that their children are grown up why should they have to pay for something they don't use? Why hasn't anyone put the question to them?

    Also, since Angle, and I suspect Palin too, are avid home schooler types, one has to think about what a home schooler is being taught by the likes of Angle and Palin's supporters....are they being taught material in an objective or subjective manner? How can one home school a child if parent that has a specific slant to how the polilical process works, a pre-concieved opinion of the history of the US, a specific religious bias and so forth. Keep in mind, many of their children will be of voting age within the next 5 to 10 years and how they were taught will reflect how they will vote in coming elections.

    That's the real danger Palin and the tea-bagger poses...a fifth column movement by children indoctrinated to their way of thinking. We see the effect the parents are having now with turning the GOP upside down and shaking out their loose change.

    Palin didn't homeschool, although if she did Bristol might not be changing diapers.  The reason she left Juneau and decided the Govenor didn't need to live in the capital and moved her family back home is that in the small town capital (about 40k people) is that Bristol was having a hard time keeping her legs closed and was getting quite a reputation.  So back to Meth-silla and Bristol got to find Levi.  How'd that work out Sarah?  She then filed for per diem for being away from Juneau and collected even though this was her choice.  Amazingly this was the reason she quit her job on the Alaska Oil&Gas Conservation Commission, because the chairman was taking per diems and she said she couldn't stand to be around that kind of blatant fraud.  It seem s Sarah can learn from the past. 

    But beware a scorned Todd. Troopergate anyone?  And the person praying Sarah isn't elected the most..... Levi, he know's there would be a special cell in Gitmo just for him.

    There's something about sharing the costs for the benefit of all that comes into play that Angle and tea-baggers seem to forget. It was fine that everyone pitched in to help pay off the costs of raising their children...schools, teachers, libraries, parks, recreation and public pools, school events, music lessons, but now that their children are grown up why should they have to pay for something they don't use? Why hasn't anyone put the question to them?

    That "something" would be the particularly noxious blend of selfishness and self-righteousness that make up the mindset of a "Libertarian" at present. 

    A shorter version of it would be "Me, me, me, me!" repeated endlessly at top volume no matter the context.

    AT, I realize Palin isn't/wasn't up to the task of home schooling...way above her pay-grade and capabilities, and the extra effort wouldn't bring cash rolling into her bank account for exerting little to no effort on her part. I was hinting that she seems to be an avid supporter in the efforts of those who do and those who do so are staunch tea-baggers and/or hard-core republicans that find a common interest in her efforts to reign supreme over every one beneath Palin's standards.

    Shoe's? I realize that emails sent from a Blackberry can be hasty and probably not proofread, but shoe's? He obviously realized he needed to use a possessive in the sentence because he's referring to shoes that belong to his wife. Maybe he needs a refresher course on possessive pronouns.

    Or maybe he needs to stop writing emails altogether. Yeah. I like that idea better.

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