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    No Preacher Presidency this year. Santorum is out.

    The big news yesterday was that Rick Santorum has suspended his presidential campaign.  After great deliberation, spurred on by the realization that he didn't have a chance at it anyway, he has cancelled his campaign plans and most of his public appearances.  As with every concession speech, Santorum says he's not giving up the fight.  There's more to come. The fight for freedom, except for women, children, the poor, the jobless and the heathens, goes on.

    Yesterday, on the same day he stepped down from the podium, he stepped up to the pulpit for a scheduled appearance with James Dobson at his latest "Focus on the Family" smack-down.  I'm not surprised.  Just as George W. Bush's wishful true calling wasn't really as President of the United States but as baseball commissioner, Rick Santorum's true calling is as Grand Fundamental Firekeeper.

    Being president would have been a feather in his tri-corner cap, but it's probably just as well it didn't happen.  If he had been chosen, he surely would have found himself governing an entire country full of surly sinners, most of whom would likely balk at having to practice his peculiar brand of holy paternalism.  It would have been a full-time job, just keeping those ingrates under control.

    Odds are his first priority as president would have been to hammer away at our constitution (a document almost as vague and open to interpretation as a certain Holy Book), attempting to turn the "dem" in democracy into a "theo" forevermore, or until the next secular coup, or until the world went up in flames, whichever came first.  But there are only so many hours in the day, and even if the West Wing had been turned into the Right Wing, there are demands on a nation's president that are. . .well, let's just put it out there. . .purely secular.

    Santorum's rise to second place in the Republican primaries, based on nothing more than a series of sermons outlining some truly archaic and increasingly out-of-touch religious beliefs, caused real consternation in some circles expecting the more traditional, run-of-the-mill, I'll-promise-you-anything-if-you'll-vote-for-me campaign.

    The man was a tiger when it came to social crime and punishment, and he wasn't afraid to snarl his disapproval at whole segments of the population who might, for example, use artificial birth control. Or who might think for even a minute there could be some wisdom in separating government from the church.  But it turns out there were whole segments of primary voters who were looking for answers to questions about our economy, our environment, our crumbling infrastructure, our place in foreign affairs.  They were questions Rick Santorum either couldn't or wouldn't answer.  It was as if he didn't know or care what office he was running for.  The sermon was the thing and he was reaching crowds in the millions. 

    Now that part, milked to the extreme, is over, but I predict we haven't seen the last of Mr. Santorum.  He'll take his Faith and Values show on the road and crowds will follow.  At every turn, when religion and government collide, Rick will be there.   But he will not be president of the United States.

    Praise be.

    Sign at Rose City Park Church, Oregon


    (Cross-posted at Ramona's Voices)


    I suspect he dropped out because he couldn't stomach a loss in Pennsylvania.

    Like monsters of old, this nutjob will be back.





    Gotta say, I wish he would have stayed in for another month.  But, I can fantasize that his delegates would all go to Newt, and Myth would need to keep on spending and making gaffes after each state primary.  

    We all knew Santorum wasn't, barring any huge debacle, going to be the GOP candidate.  However, the RNC convention would have been fun if Romney didn't get his 1144 and Santorum got Gingrich's and Paul's delegates.  

    Rick was too extreme even for the majority of right wingers.


    No Preacher Presidency this year.

    As someone who has a tendency to think a lot of people in the blogosphere expect far too much from politics and our political system, can I just shout that

    This is a very good development for our country!

    I am grateful that the culture warriors will now have less control of the election narrative and I'm glad to see your post pointing it out. As awful as he is in other ways, Romney deserves credit for not pandering to them too much, just as John McCain once did. Let's hope now that he doesn't do as McCain did and pick one of them for his VP to placate them and take us right back to the same game. If that doesn't happen we might even see some presidential debates for grown ups and the result of introduction of some serious issues into the main poltical media sources.

    aawwww ....  no mo Senator Silly-Putty.

    But at least he'll have some spare time to go read the Constitution. Especially that part were it says religion isn't suppose to be used as a litmus test for holding office.

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