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    Abraham Lincoln attacks street performer that mocked his family

    WASHINGTON – Speaking in front of thousands of supporters, President Abraham Lincoln today took time off his efforts to re-unite the nation, end the Civil War and slavery to berate a street performer that made off-color jokes about his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln.

    “That he could call her ‘crazy’ is a kick in the gut,” said Lincoln of street performer Seth McFarlane. “This type of ugliness from the Left continues to destroy the very fabric of American Society.”

    McFarlane was working on a Washington street corner, performing his sketch “Mary Lincoln, Damn She’s Crazy,” when he was noticed by Lincoln colleague E.B. Webb. Webb then told Lincoln about the insulting street play – which earned several coins from passersby. Lincoln immediately stopped his business of saving the nation to address the issue.

    “It’s balderdash,” said Lincoln. “Just balderdash.”

    For his part, McFarlane said he would try not to make fun of Mary Lincoln any longer, and focus primarily on rape jokes, which he finds disturbingly funny.



    Crossposted at William K. Wolfrum Chronicles


    I thought it was the double-entendres about Abe's "stovepipe hat" that were really offensive.

    OK, I have worked really hard to get to this point. I wrote my comment, and tried 5 times to get it accepted and finally I have pushed all the right buttons --I have one question: HOW DID I MISS THIS? I really need to come here more often! i get notices in my email and I am a TPM regular, but you post great stuff that you don't ship over there. This is brilliant and I really enjoyed it. Thanks! Jan (CVille Dem)

    You are far too kind, Jan. Don't ever, ever stop.

    Usually I pick and choose what to put up at TPMC. I also crosspost some things at DKos. Very different audiences, however. I feel a lot more at east at TPM, where if an experimental post hits people the wrong way they won't curse me out like at DKos lol.

    But everything I write I post first at my site williamkwolfrum.com and about half the stuff there I don'\t crosspost anywhere.

    Thanks again.

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